Thursday, September 20, 2007

My blood, sweat and tears.

Yes, I spent some time debating whether or not I should capitalize the title of this entry. On the one hand, old school thinkers may gasp when they see the missing caps, and I don't want anyone fainting on me. On the other, most savvy marketing and advertising gurus know that caps aren't a requirement and they aren't shocked to see a period, either. Had I used an ellipses, you know, ..., at the end, I wouldn't blame anyone for closing this page in record time. But I didn't and you're still reading. Thank you.

Now that you're a little bit interested, let me tell you about my copywriting experience. After more than a decade as a freelance journalist and a public relations specialist, I tried my hand at copywriting and found myself really thinking about words. Now I cringe when I see terms like "ancient wisdom" and "that's just the beginning" because people, generally speaking, aren't stupid and they will tune out unless you talk to them, really talk to them. So, that's what I've learned how to do for my clients--the big and the small.

And I've had some big clients, like Microsoft and Verizon, but I've also had my share of small companies who are just as committed to creating the most intelligent, attractive, accessible marketing material possible. It's always a thrill to hit the mark on the head for a client, to know that the copy I've written is going to help their business.

I invite you to download and read my samples and if you think I can help your business, let me know. I promise not to waste your time with silly, out-dated, cliched content, but copy that reaches and excites your target audience.


A brochure for Interactive Intelligence:

A product script for Novell (click on view demo):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.